Cracking GOT using pointers

As in my previous blog i have specified how GOT is vulnerable, this is one of the case where you can exploit which is using pointers.

I have used the small program which directly explains the concept.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
int main(int argc, char **argv)
  char *pointer = NULL;
  char buffer[10];
  pointer = buffer;
  strcpy(pointer, argv[1]);
  printf("Array contains %s at %p\n", pointer, &pointer);
  strcpy(pointer, argv[2]);
  printf("Array contains %s at %p\nUse this as argument %s \n", pointer, &pointer,argv[3]);
  return EXIT_SUCCESS;


By just looking at the program you should understand the vulnerability, which the program is using “strcpy” to copy. So here is the idea of the to exploit the program.

[*] Using first strcpy overflow the array “buffer” and change the pointer to the GOT of printf.

pointer <– [GOT]

[*] Using the second “strcpy” overwrite the GOT with “system” function, which will spawn you shell at the time of calling second printf function.

[GOT]<– “address of system” (because same pointer is used in the strcpy)

[*] Also supply third argument as “;/bin/sh;” that will do “system(“Array contains %s at %p\nUse this as argument %s \n”, pointer, &pointer,argv[3]);”

I got this idea by looking at this resource. My blog may not be that great as that article but still i tried giving brief description about it.