IO Smash the Stack Level 1

To connect to the server of Smash The Stack, you need to SSH (ssh with the password level1 which is given in iosmashthestack .

Screenshot from 2015-01-25 17:22:27




Changing your directory to levels will switch on all problems present in the smash the stack. But you will have permission only to do level01.

Let us try running level01

Screenshot from 2015-01-25 18:12:12

To solve this problem you need about GDB . You can learn to use gdb from here .

Let us disassemble in gdb and look over it

Screenshot from 2015-01-25 18:57:02






If you absorb the dis assembler keenly, than this instruction will be interesting.

cmp $0x10f,%eax

In the above instruction there is compression between a constant and the value in eax register.

Converting the above hex value decimal will give a three digit number.

Smash The Stack

IO Smash the Stack in one among the war game in smash the stack . This is one of the great platform to learn Binary explotion. Solving these problems also helps us to solve the problems in CTF . The main key of all these problems to solve, is to capture the shell of their sever. Ok let us try solving these problems.